Provides common positive words and negative words extracted from comments, and tags from the website.
sentiment_info(url, y = 2018, word = "Positive")
A character value indicating the URL of the professor's webpage.
A numeric value to filter ratings after a certain year.
A character value indicating the user's interest in positive words, negative words, or tags. Choices among "Positive", "Negative", and "Tags" with default as "Positive".
A data frame with 2 columns
word - Words or tags
n - Count of words in comments or tags
url <- ''
sentiment_info(url = url, y = 2018, word = "Negative")
#> Joining, by = "word"
#> # A tibble: 3 x 2
#> # Groups: word [3]
#> word n
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 difficult 2
#> 2 cheat 1
#> 3 waste 1